FastenMaster’s Cor­tex fas­ten­ers, the deck­ing indus­try’s lead­ing hid­den fas­ten­ing sys­tem, are now com­pat­i­ble with the stand-up PAM­Fast Tool for use on advanced PVC deck­ing from Tim­berTech. The pow­er­ful com­bi­na­tion of Cor­tex fas­ten­ers and the PAM­Fast Tool not only deliv­ers the fastest and eas­i­est instal­la­tion process but also ensures the best-look­ing deck, pro­vid­ing a flaw­less, pro­fes­sion­al fin­ish every time. 

The PAM­Fast aut­ofeed sys­tem is designed to pro­vide smooth con­sis­tent fas­ten­er instal­la­tion, pre­vent jams, and pro­vide max­i­mum fas­ten­er engage­ment and torque to pro­long bit life and reduce cam outs. The coun­ter­sink sys­tem is adjustable to 1/64-inch, and each strip of Cor­tex fas­ten­ers holds 50 screws for more time dri­ving and less time reload­ing. Addi­tion­al­ly, the PAM­Fast stand-up instal­la­tion tool reduces bend­ing and kneel­ing, min­i­miz­ing strain and effort for the installer.

The Col­lat­ed Cor­tex Fas­ten­ers are pack­aged in box­es of 1,050 screws on 21 col­lat­ed strips that will enable PROs to install 300 square feet of deck­ing, assum­ing two fas­ten­ers installed 16-inch­es on cen­ter. In addi­tion, each box comes with a dri­ver bit, two PAM­Fast nose guards and a depth guide that allows PROs to per­fect­ly set fas­ten­er depth for con­sis­tent instal­la­tion. Col­lat­ed Cor­tex Plugs for Tim­berTech PVC deck­ing are sold sep­a­rate­ly in box­es of 400, and avail­able for all 14 col­ors of Tim­berTech PVC deck­ing in the Har­vest, Vin­tage and Land­mark collections.

We’re excit­ed to com­bine our Cor­tex Fas­ten­er tech­nol­o­gy with our PAM­Fast dri­ve sys­tem for Tim­berTech Advanced PVC Deck­ing,” said Antho­ny DiSan­to, Deck­ing Prod­uct Man­ag­er at Fas­ten­Mas­ter. Now PROs can com­bine col­lat­ed Cor­tex screws and col­lat­ed Cor­tex plugs to great­ly enhance instal­la­tion pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. In addi­tion, they’ll ben­e­fit from using a stand-up tool, which is a great ergonom­ic ben­e­fit for con­trac­tors.” Estab­lished in 1981, Fas­ten­Mas­ter, a divi­sion of OMG, Inc., is a brand of fas­ten­ing solu­tions for pro­fes­sion­al con­trac­tors. Its prod­ucts are engi­neered for struc­tur­al, deck­ing, and trim appli­ca­tions in res­i­den­tial con­struc­tion, and its prod­uct line includes the LOK Line of struc­tur­al wood screws, Tiger Claw Hid­den Deck Clip Sys­tem, as well as Cor­tex Hid­den Fas­ten­ing Sys­tems for deck and trim applications.