Fiberon 1


High-performing deck solution designed to stand the test of time.

Known as a go-to choice for pro­fes­sion­als, Fiberon decking’s resis­tance to rot­ting, splin­ter­ing and warp­ing makes it a high-per­form­ing deck solu­tion designed to stand the test of time.

When installing, spe­cial­ty fas­ten­ers are essen­tial to safe­guard its qual­i­ty. They are designed for strength, dura­bil­i­ty and col­or match­ing, ensur­ing your Fiberon deck will main­tain its charm for decades.

Fas­ten­Mas­ter has the spe­cial­ty fas­ten­ers nec­es­sary to install Fiberon deck­ing cor­rect­ly, includ­ing the Cor­tex hid­den fas­ten­ing sys­tem. This sys­tem works with all Fiberon deck­ing col­ors to cre­ate a durable, seam­less deck for ulti­mate design success. 

Why Use The Cortex Hidden Fastening System For Fiberon?

The Cor­tex hid­den fas­ten­ing sys­tem from Fas­ten­Mas­ter is one of the fastest and eas­i­est ways to install Fiberon decking.

Cor­tex is a com­plete sys­tem of spe­cial­ly designed Fiberon deck screws and plugs — they are made to cre­ate a strong and secure hold in com­pos­ite, PVC or PE deck­ing with­out splin­ter­ing the deck­ing material.

Fiberon deck screws’ inno­v­a­tive design allows for a quick instal­la­tion and a seam­less look. Cor­tex plugs, includ­ing Fiberon, are made direct­ly from the deck boards — this deliv­ers the most per­fect match pos­si­ble, elim­i­nat­ing any vis­i­ble sign of fas­ten­ers to ensure the deck’s beauty.

The place­ment of the deck­ing screws also pro­vides a stronger con­nec­tion because they are dri­ven into the deck­ing at a pre­cise angle for a bet­ter hold. Plus, the col­or-matched Fiberon deck plugs pro­tect the screws from cor­ro­sion and rust while giv­ing the deck a more attrac­tive appearance.

Where To Buy Cortex for Fiberon

Ready to learn more about the Cor­tex fas­ten­ing sys­tem for Fiberon deck­ing? Vis­it our Prod­uct Page where you can see the avail­able Fiberon deck­ing col­ors and dis­cov­er col­or-matched deck­ing screws and plugs. 

Find a Fas­ten­Mas­ter retail­er using our deal­er loca­tor tool, or con­tact our cus­tomer ser­vice team with any questions.


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