The Best Tool for Securing Composite Deck Screws

Effi­cien­cy is essen­tial for busy con­trac­tors and builders, so cre­at­ing a quick, firm, long-last­ing grip on deck­ing is critical. 

The PAM­Fast Aut­oFeed Screw Sys­tem, in con­junc­tion with Tra­pEase 3 Fas­ten­ers, increas­es your speed and effi­cien­cy, while also cre­at­ing a firm grip that will last through the life of your project.

PAMFast: The Best Tool for Securing Stainless Steel Composite Deck Screws

The PAM­Fast Aut­oFeed Sys­tem dri­ves screws quick­er and eas­i­er, mak­ing the instal­la­tion of deck­ing and floor­ing more effi­cient. With a vari­ety of dif­fer­ent drill options, includ­ing Maki­ta, DeWalt, and Mil­wau­kee prod­ucts, this sys­tem uses a belt of screws that feed into the head of the tool and dri­ve smooth­ly into var­i­ous materials. 

PAM­Fast, con­sid­ered by many to be the best tool for dri­ving screws, installs fas­ten­ers quick­ly while the down-stroke pres­sure moves the next screw into place. 

One of the most impor­tant fea­tures of the PAM­Fast tool is the abil­i­ty to con­vert from a long tool, ide­al for floor­ing and deck­ing, to a short tool, which can be used for ver­ti­cal boards, dry­wall, and oth­er appli­ca­tions. The long PAM­fast tool also does away with safe­ty haz­ards such as lad­ders and stools while sav­ing your back, elim­i­nat­ing the need to bend over. The con­ver­sion takes less than a minute, and no spe­cial tools are required. 

It has adjustable depth, easy bit replace­ment, and works with a vari­ety of fas­ten­ers, which makes it one of the most ver­sa­tile options on the market.

TrapEase 3: The Best Fastener for Composite Deck Installation

If you are using the PAM­Fast Aut­oFeed Screw Sys­tem on syn­thet­ic deck boards, the Tra­pEase 3 Aut­oFeed screws are a must-have. These com­pos­ite deck­ing screws com­bine the qual­i­ty and reli­a­bil­i­ty of Tra­pEase screws, with the effi­cien­cy of the PAM­Fast system. 

With no pre-drilling required, Tra­pEase 3 Aut­oFeed screws can be installed quick­ly and are com­pat­i­ble with Tim­berTech and Trex boards. 

Tra­pEase 3 is metic­u­lous­ly engi­neered for fast and easy place­ment with top-of-the-line cor­ro­sion-resis­tance and the ulti­mate strength, guar­an­teed for the life of your project. Its patent­ed ttap” dri­ve sys­tem ensures wob­ble-free instal­la­tion with plen­ty of torque to com­plete any job. It also show­cas­es a unique thread design that cuts through a vari­ety of boards to give a clean, pro­fes­sion­al finish. 

PAMFast and TrapEase 3: Using the Ultimate Tool for the Best Screws

Using the PAM­Fast sys­tem with Tra­pEase 3 is sim­ple and ide­al for any job. The first step is to load the tap bit, which can be done quick­ly by remov­ing the head and using the quick-release fea­ture on the tool. With the bit in place, reat­tach the head of the tool and set it to the appro­pri­ate depth. To set the depth, sim­ply loosen the set screws on either side of the PAM­Fast tool. Slide to the appro­pri­ate depth and re-tight­en for a firm hold. 

Final­ly, set the depth dri­ve by turn­ing the coun­ter­sink ring. Each click” moves the depth by 1/​64th of an inch, so you can get the pre­cise depth you need. 

Work­ing togeth­er, the PAM­Fast sys­tem and Tra­pEase 3 Aut­oFeed screws cre­ate a more effi­cient way to secure com­pos­ite deck boards with a sleek finish. 

Increase Efficiency with the Tool Specifically Engineered for Composite Decking Professionals 

Using the PAM­Fast sys­tem with Tra­pEase 3 screws is the best way to lev­el up your effi­cien­cy. Make your jobs eas­i­er with the Fas­ten Mas­ters. Vis­it Fas​ten​Mas​ter​.com/​w​h​e​r​e​-​t​o-buy to find a retail­er near you!