IMG 1151

ICON Success Story: Matt Visintainer


Matt Vis­in­tain­er is the own­er of IKAG LLC and has been drawn to ICON for the time & labor sav­ings, and has found that the ICON sys­tem allows his busi­ness to be more profitable.

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Everything is already dead flat and waterproof – led me to switch from my traditional framing package over to icon.”

ICON ScrewJoists are per­fect­ly lev­el with­out the need to plane, and are avail­able with Fas­ten­Mas­ter Deck Frame Coat­ing already applied. This means Matt is ready to install deck­ing imme­di­ate­ly after com­plet­ing the framing.


Having a warranty on your framing is definitely A part of it – because 25 years is a long time. that definitely gives the homeowner some peace of mind.”

ICON ScrewsJoists come with a 25 year war­ran­ty – as opposed to tra­di­tion­al lum­ber which car­ries no war­ran­ty – so both you and the home­own­er can rest assured know­ing they are get­ting a sub­struc­ture that is designed to last.


The labor costs of every­thing – I think that’s where the major sav­ings is. For this job in par­tic­u­lar, I had priced it with con­ven­tion­al lum­ber, and then with­out charg­ing the cus­tomer any more mon­ey I was able to switch to ICON.

I believe the job will actually be more profitable for us in the end.”

The ICON Sys­tem allows builders to save on time, labor, and mate­ri­als. From elim­i­nat­ing hur­ri­cane ties, joist hang­ers, and pro­tec­tive tape – to sav­ing days of labor costs per project, builders like Matt have seen a finan­cial ben­e­fit to their busi­ness because of ICON.

We will def­i­nite­ly be using ICON Joists for any future fram­ing projects. 

This is too good of a system not to continue to implement.” – Matt Visintainer, IKAG LLC

The ICON ScrewJoist is currently available in MA, CT, RI, VT, NY, ME & NH. Click here to get started!

Matt Vis­in­tain­er is the own­er of IKAG LLC in Sims­bury, CT. Learn more at ikag​.biz.