Hidden Fastening System for PVC Trim

PVC trim has become a pop­u­lar option for inte­ri­or con­struc­tion and remod­el­ing, notably uti­lized by AZEK trim boards. By elim­i­nat­ing the need for sand­ing and paint­ing, PVC is a more effi­cient and con­ve­nient choice over wood trim. 

The look and feel of PVC is from wood, and it’s also impor­tant to note that the instal­la­tion process for PVC is dif­fer­ent. There­fore, it requires a dif­fer­ent fastener. 

In the past, a trim nail would be used to install PVC. How­ev­er, they are not very strong and require more nails for every foot of trim. Also, they sit into the trim, and leave a notice­able impres­sion on the mate­r­i­al. The impres­sions need to be filled with a match­ing put­ty, then sand­ed, which can ruin the tex­ture of the material. 

Tra­di­tion­al trim screws can also be used on PVC trim. While there are col­or-match­ing heads, they can also leave a notice­able impres­sion, which is larg­er and more notice­able than the one left by nails. 

This leaves one final option: the Cor­tex Hid­den Fas­ten­ing Sys­tem from FastenMaster.

Cortex Hidden Fastening System for PVC Trim

The Cor­tex sys­tem con­sists of three parts: 

  1. First, there is the screw, which is designed specif­i­cal­ly for dig­ging into the wood while grab­bing and firm­ly secur­ing the PVC mate­r­i­al. The screw also fea­tures a dual lead thread design that spins the thread faster, for more effi­cient installations. 

  2. The sys­tem fea­tures the strip-out resis­tant TORX TTAP head. A sta­bil­i­ty but­ton allows for wob­ble-free instal­la­tion, keep­ing the fas­ten­er straight through installation.

  3. Final­ly, there is a cylin­der-shaped cap that installs into the screw hole, flaw­less­ly fit­ting so that no vis­i­ble marks remain. The plugs are avail­able in var­i­ous tex­tures and col­ors to match the spe­cif­ic trim.

How to Install PVC Trim Using Cortex Hidden Fasteners

Instal­la­tion of the Cor­tex Hid­den Fas­ten­er Sys­tem is sim­ple, fast, and convenient.

Once the bit is firm­ly secured to the tool, sim­ply fix a Cor­tex screw on the end of the bit, place the tip where you want to dri­ve the screw, and engage the tool with just a lit­tle pres­sure. The screw will dri­ve into the mate­r­i­al until the felt on the bit reach­es the trim, and stops the for­ward motion.