Choosing the Best Screws for Your Project

If you are won­der­ing what screws to use for a sub­floor instal­la­tion, we have the answer! FastenMaster’s PAM­Fast sys­tem allows you to install sub­floor faster and eas­i­er, all with­out sac­ri­fic­ing qual­i­ty, reli­a­bil­i­ty, and stability.

Which FastenMaster Fasteners Are Ideal for Subfloor?

You may think that any screw will do the job for secur­ing sub­floor, but that’s far from the truth. You need to use the right fas­ten­er to ensure a long-last­ing grip. 

PAM­Fast Aut­oFeed Screws are the pre­ferred choice for inte­ri­or and exte­ri­or sub­floor. They pro­vide a firm grip between con­nect­ing lum­ber, which makes them per­fect for sub­floor. They have a head that works with a vari­ety of bits, includ­ing Phillips and torque-head screws. 

The screws come pre­loaded on a fas­ten­er belt to help increase effi­cien­cy when secur­ing sub­floor. You can select from a vari­ety of PAM­Fast screws, rang­ing from 1 1÷4” to 3,” which gives you plen­ty of options to meet the required depths for your project. There are var­i­ous options for wood-to-wood appli­ca­tions, as well as a screw for high-den­si­ty wood attached to lumber. 

With FastenMaster’s PAM­Fast sys­tem, you’ll have no trou­ble select­ing the best sub­floor screws for your spe­cif­ic application. 

How PAMFast Makes the Job Even More Efficient

PAM­Fast from Fas­ten­Mas­ter is a ver­sa­tile sys­tem that can dri­ve screws for almost any appli­ca­tion. From inside jobs to out­door instal­la­tions, you can find a PAM­Fast fas­ten­er that is spe­cif­ic to your needs.

The sys­tem can install sub­floor, dry­wall, cement board, pres­sure-treat­ed deck­ing, and com­pos­ite deck­ing. It uses an advanced sys­tem that pre­pares the next screw on the down­stroke while the first screw is being dri­ven. The PAM­Fast Aut­oFeed Screw Sys­tem is specif­i­cal­ly engi­neered to elim­i­nate jams and misfeeds.

It also uses the PAM­Fast fas­ten­er belt, which fea­tures 50 screws for less reload­ing. This ensures increased speed through­out the entire process. 

The PAM­Fast sys­tem is made from light yet stur­dy alu­minum, specif­i­cal­ly made for longer use. It also fea­tures a nose-piece that allows you to set it to the ide­al screw length, as well as a counter-sink adjust­ment that allows you to accu­rate­ly set the depth, to ensure the best results for your project. 

Con­ver­sions from one task to anoth­er can also be faster with PAM­Fast. It eas­i­ly con­verts from a long standup tool, which can be used to dri­ve screws into a floor while stand­ing, to a short­er tool that is ide­al for dry­wall or rooftop instal­la­tion. The con­ver­sion between long and short takes less than a minute and requires no spe­cial tools to com­plete the process. 

All of these fea­tures, from fast con­ver­sion to quick dri­ving of the screw, help you fin­ish your jobs more effi­cient­ly and save valu­able ener­gy, time, and money. 

This inno­v­a­tive sys­tem is made to fit your cur­rent tools. There are three motor options, includ­ing a cord­less Miki­ta, a cord­less DeWalt, and a cord­ed Milwaukee. 

Vis­itFas​ten​Mas​ter​.com today to find the PAM­Fast sys­tem near you. Still have ques­tions? Ask the Fas­ten­Mas­ter to reach our world-class tech­ni­cal and sales sup­port teams.